Spys, Adult Theaters & Hairy Butt Cracks

I actually had this here post set to post on the 1st of August.  But I suck and I forgot to “publish it for a later date.” 

And I’m rather busy with all of my the duties associated with the new job.

Would be seriously cool to get the title, get the raise and still sit at work and do abso-fucking-looootly nothing.   But, that ain’t happenin.  I actually have to work now and am working on alotting time to go visiting all y’all on a regular basis as we are all so used to me doing.

Anyways, since I have nothing good to talk about… no drinking binges, no wild sex, and nothing new in Huntsville, AL….    I’ll give the top search terms that brought some folks over here last month.

Of course, the highlight of the month, the ass ripping by Ask & Ye Shall Receive, fucked my stats all up as more than 500 people wandered through here that day.   Fortunately, most of the mean ones went away as fast as they came.   And all of us nice, sweet bloggie friends are left here.

Oh, I do have one thing to share.  Since I’m travelling again, I’m getting the chance to meet & greet with some fellow bloggers.  Very exciting.  This means (most likely) that we’ll meet up at a bar, drink ourselves silly, take pictures and blog about it.

Most excellent blog fodder to come.

Ok, so here ya go, the search terms of August.

Jefferey Donovan.  This was the one who led all the swooning girls over here to see him shirtless.  And who I am not to give the masses what they want…. Yah, the tag Jefferey Donovan got lots of clicks.  But I just like looking at him.  So, to amuze myself, let’s have another picture of my favorite spy. K?

Weeds.  Yah, baby.  I’m hooked.  It’s like crack.  An addiction that I’ll not easily kick.  I rush home to do dinner, clean the kitchen, bitch at the kids, shoot Big T dirty looks and be done by 10:00 on Monday night for my fix.  If you  haven’t seen it, I highly suggest.

Porn.  I can only assume that since I labeled the post about Tommy Lee and Pamela with porn that it attracted some folks looking for naughty, naughty.  All I can say is, not here friend.  I’m not married to a porn king.  I’m lucky to get some quarterly.

Animal Porn.   Nice.  Of course this one is my own fault as I used it in a Happy Humpday  post title.  I should have known the nutjobs out there would actually look for something like that.   Scary.

Inside Adult Theaters.  As hard as I tried…. I failed to find a picture of the inside of an adult theater.  There’s some pretty vile stuff on Google images when you google something of this nature. 

Next was Fat Bum.  Now I’m not so sure if those people were searching for this kind of fat bum… butt here’s what they got.

Pulp Fiction Gimp.  It’s not my favorite movie because of the gimp.  Its Vincent and Jules.   But, it takes all kinds to run this world, so here’s the gimp.

And lastly but not leastly, because if I don’t stop somewhere, we’ll end up with a mile long post, I present to you Hairy Butt Crack.  I like butts.  I really do.  But hairy butts just aren’t sexy to me.   

Yah, morality just went right out the damn window.

 Sometimes I think maybe I should change my blog to house less vulgarity, less cussing, less talking about sex, less talking about drinkin cold beer (and/or other tasty beverages)….

Then I snap out of it and figure if I wasn’t a vulgar, cursing, sex starved, drunk…  I wouldn’t be any fun.

26 Responses to “Spys, Adult Theaters & Hairy Butt Cracks”

  1. I love when I go to blogs on my lunch at work and there’s hairy man ass just begging for a co-worker to see. 🙂

    I’m in the same spot as you here. Just got a nice promotion and now I can’t screw the dog all day. Ah, good jobs…they’re so horrible.

  2. The ass pictures “cracked” me up.!!!

    Jefferey Donovan…..YUMMY!

  3. Damn, and I thought I got some weird searches! If you’re ever in need of pics inside an adult theater just let me know! 😉

    When we gonna meet in Huntsvegas? I think you’re skeered…

  4. Today, I had:

    “poo on my tits”

    “lady spanked then poos pants”


    “selling Advent calendars”

    These people looking to buy Advent calendars are going to need some serious confessions at church on Sunday.

  5. The perfect candidate for a back, sack and crack wax!

  6. mj would enjoy that bum picture for sure… hahahaa… nice to have a new post to read!

  7. You’re meeting other bloggers? When does your job bring you around Columbus, Ohio?

  8. Nah, it’s not just you. That butt doesn’t look appealing to me either! 😉

  9. since i say fuck alot, and granny is in my blog name, i get every person in the entire world that is looking to hang up with some granny for sex or various other chores…kinda crepy..but they only stay for a second and then they are gone..

  10. That hair butt is just nasty !!

    Coming to Philly anytime soon?

  11. Life's A Beach Says:

    Eeewwww…that is one ugly ass!!

    I agree, it’s all about drinking beer/having sex/and partying with friends.

    If your travels bring you to Clearwater, FL area, I’m up for a cold beer anytime!

  12. Daaamn! Baby got back is an understatement for that fat bum.

    Hairy crack? Are you sure thats all hair, dark BROWN hair, cause it don’t all look like hair. I’m just sayin. 😦

  13. Holy hairy butt crack, Batman!

    I don’t suppose you’re traveling in the Pacific Northwest? We would have soooo much fun!

  14. Ha ha ha…I gotta do a post on search terms people use to find me too. Some of them are HI-LAR-IOUS, but these are too funny!!!

    Girl, when are ya heading out here to Californication? Let me know so we can go DRINK…and then write about it on our blogs. hee hee.

    I’ve been Miss Poopy Pants lately because of my mixed up life right now. Every once in a while I have to throw a Big Ol’ Pity Party and I get it out of my system. Thanks for stopping by…I missed ya.


  15. Hairy Asses frighten me…but WEEDS RULES!!

  16. It’s great that you’re saving people the trouble of having to surf too far to get their quota of filth. I still think I’m better off not knowing who visits my blog and why, especially in view of recent subject matter…

  17. What kind of a world do we live in when people don’t get to sit around and do nothing and have to actually work?

  18. rantingdiva Says:

    Sully- Good jobs. A double edged sword for sure.

    MetalMom- Oh yah, babe. My dream man.

    Chuck- That sounds like a dare. I ain’t skeerd.

    Mooooog- Um. I’m actually speechless here.

    MJ- That sounds mighty painful. Sack wax. -_-

    IV- I’m glad you came back over after my alien abduction!

    Ron- At some point, I’m 100% sure I’ll be there. And we’ll crack a cold one.

    Riff- That butt crack made me gag a little.

    Jackie- Sick fuckers.

    Philly- I actually get up your direction semi-often. We’ll be drinkin cold beer for sure.

    LaB- Do you know… Florida is the only state (other than Alaska) that I’ve never set my big ass in?? We’ll have to make it happen.

    Trukindog- You are one sick puppy.

    DFTF- So far, it seems California is as north as I’ve been. Where you is?

    RC- Less than a month away, mamas! We’ll spill tears in our beers.

    Meleah- You gots that right.

    Brian- Those weren’t even the worst of the worst. I was scared to get any nastier with the search terms on my moral blog.

    AngryMan- Hell, I don’t know.

  19. That one picture up there is exactly why I’m a boobs man and not an ass man!!


  20. That last picture looks like the guy sat on a Clown Fright Wig and it got stuck in his crack. He should donate all that to Locks of Love! Holy Pete!

  21. Meet me, meet me lol

    Then I snap out of it and figure if I wasn’t a vulgar, cursing, sex starved, drunk… I wouldn’t be any fun.

    True that!

  22. rantingdiva Says:

    Slick- Me too.

    ETW- You just made me laugh so hard I pee’d.

    Jose- You and Chica should make a run to Palm Springs October 4th!

  23. It’s all so eclectic, weird and funny.

    I am so out of it..I’ve been doing this for three years and I still have no idea what you’re talking about when you say web surfers found your site from some garbled nonsensical google search thingamabob?
    Is there a line under settings or something? Nobody has ever visited me and said that they arrived via ‘monkey diaspora wagnerian marble gargling’.

    I feel so deprived.

  24. rantingdiva Says:

    Donn- It’s a wordpress feature! Yay! It shows any search term that someone searched where my blog popped up. Scary, huh?

  25. Diva, I am always amused by the search term thing – I see those on my sitemeter stats.

    Looking forward to being blog fodder. 😉

  26. ViJay Viswanathan Says:

    I want more of this & some 600 lbs chick to poop in my mouth

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